The managed print services market is massive. In 2024, it’s estimated to be worth $45.57 billion and is predicted to continue growing to reach $66.12 billion by 2029. Given how beneficial these services are, these figures shouldn’t be surprising.

Managed print services help businesses streamline their printing processes, cut expenses, and boost operational productivity. But the thing to remember is that you can only reap all these incredible benefits if you choose the right provider for your needs.

Now, given the sheer size of the managed print services market, this task might get a bit tricky. But don’t worry. This guide is here to help you.

What to Consider When Choosing a Managed Print Services Provider

Managed print services can be nothing short of a game changer for a modern workplace. That is, of course, if you know what you’re doing. Here’s a quick overview of the requirements you should look for in your managed print services provider.

No. 1 – Comprehensive Assessment

When it comes to managed print services, no two companies are the same. One company might prioritize reducing costs through effective toner usage, while another might require specialized security features to protect sensitive documents. That’s why a reputable managed print services provider will first conduct a thorough assessment of your current operations and needs. The goal is to establish where your company is currently and where it wants to be. The next step? Devising a personalized plan to bridge this gap.

No. 2 – Proven Track Record

Numerous complications, both big and small, come with managing a fleet of printers. That’s why you want someone with experience at the helm. Hiring a seasoned managed print services provider with a proven track record can give you peace of mind from the get-go. This provider has already successfully navigated the many challenges of managed print services and is eager to add your company to their list of satisfied clients.

No. 3 – Stellar Performance

Sure, having numerous positive reviews under your belt is a major plus. But at the end of the day, those are just words. That’s why it’s crucial to gauge your desired managed printed services provider’s actual performance. So, pay close attention from the beginning. Metrics like response time will tell you all you need to know about the success of your future partnership.

No. 4 – Successful Integration

Managed print services don’t exist in a vacuum. So, the goal is to find a provider that can help you integrate all your print solutions into the existing IT infrastructure. This includes any cloud applications you use, network configurations, security protocols, and compatibility with existing hardware and software systems. The result? An all-around improvement in operational efficiency and workflow continuity.

No. 5 – Proactive Support

Hiring a managed print services provider shouldn’t be a one-and-done deal. You’ll want a partner who proactively monitors your print fleet. The goal? To identify potential issues before they arise and provide timely support to minimize downtime. Remember – downtime is the No. 1 enemy of productivity.

Also, quick response time is generally a quality you want to look for in your managed services provider, whether it’s for regular maintenance, to address urgent security issues, or to help with daily tasks.

No. 6 – Uncompromising Security

A single cyberattack, whether a data breach, ransomware, or malware, cost U.S. companies an average of $8,300 in 2023. And with the number of daily cyberattacks constantly increasing, ensuring your entire IT ecosystem is safe is imperative. Of course, this also includes your printers (and similar devices), as they can be vulnerable entry points for malicious actors. For this reason, you must choose a managed print services provider that prioritizes security above everything else. Implementing advanced security protocols will put your mind at ease, both in terms of protecting sensitive data and maintaining operational continuity.

No. 7 – All-Around Cost-Effectiveness

Let’s be honest – one of the primary goals of opting for managed print services is cost savings. With this in mind, it just doesn’t make any sense to hire a provider that charges exorbitant fees or fails to deliver measurable cost reductions in your print operations. Or even worse, that does both.

Also, pricing strategies and transparency go hand in hand. Only choose a provider that offers clear pricing structures and transparency about all associated costs, ensuring there are no surprises or hidden fees waiting for you down the road.

No. 8 – Scaling Potential

What is the No. 1 goal for most business owners? To grow their business, of course. When this happens, you’ll want a partner that can also grow with you. Whether it’s addressing your need for more printers or expanding to additional locations, your chosen provider should be able to keep up with your growing needs. Only then can you be certain you’ve future-proofed your investment.

Choosing a Managed Printed Services Provider: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you know exactly what to look for in a managed print services provider, here’s how to go about actually choosing one:

Step No. 1 – Hit the internet. Explore the available providers in your area and single out the ones that sound the most appealing.

Step No. 2 – Do some research. Look at their websites, read the customer reviews, look into the case studies – anything that will help you determine whether the provider in question checks all your boxes.

Step No. 3 – Reach out. There will always be some additional questions you can’t find answers to online. So, why not just ask them directly? Contact your desired provider(s) and get the answers to all your burning questions.

Step No. 4 – Make the decision. After considering all your research and direct communication with the provider, you should be able to narrow down your choices until there’s only one left. The right one.

Choose Wisely

Finding the perfect managed services provider is no easy task. So, let us help you. If your business is located in Green Bay, Menomonee Falls, or Fox Cities, you can skip right to Step No. 4 and choose Wisconsin Document Imaging, a partner that will meet – and surpass – all your expectations. Reach out to our team today to find out more.